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人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersjQuery 4.0.0 BETA! | Official jQuery Blog
jQuery 4.0.0 has been in the works for a long time, but it is now ready for a beta release! There’s a lot to cover, and the team is excited to see it released. We’ve got bug fixes, performance improvements, and some breaking changes. We removed support for IE<11 after all! Still, we expect disrup... 続きを読む
Apple によるブラウザエンジン規制の緩和 | blog.jxck.io
Intro 以前から騒がれていた Apple によるサイドローディング周りの緩和について、正式な情報公開があった。 Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/01/apple-announces-changes-to-ios-safari-and-the-app-store-in-the-europ... 続きを読む
Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union
For developers, the changes include new options for app distribution and payment processing For users, the changes include new controls and disclosures, and expanded protections to reduce privacy and security risks the DMA creates CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today announced changes to iOS, Safari... 続きを読む
Microsoft is rewriting core Windows libraries in Rust
Microsoft is rewriting core Windows libraries in the Rust programming language, and the more memory-safe code is already reaching developers. David "dwizzle" Weston, director of OS security for Windows, announced the arrival of Rust in the operating system's kernel at BlueHat IL 2023 in Tel Aviv,... 続きを読む
If you want a peek at the future, try looking at Japan. You may not like what you see. - The Washington Post
If you want a peek at the future, try looking at Japan. It’s a sobering exercise. Here’s how economist Timothy Taylor, managing editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, describes the country’s outlook: “[Japan] is facing a situation of a declining population and workforce, and the share of... 続きを読む
AWS, MongoDB, and the Economic Realities of Open Source – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
In 1999, music industry revenue in the United States peaked at $14.6 billion (all numbers are from the RIAA). It is important to be precise, though, about what was being sold: $12.8 billion was from the sell of CDs $1.1 billion was from the sell of cassettes $378 million was from the sell of musi... 続きを読む
Analyze and visualize your VPC network traffic using Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Athena | AWS Big Data Blog
AWS Big Data Blog Analyze and visualize your VPC network traffic using Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Athena Network log analysis is a common practice in many organizations. By capturing and analyzing network logs, you can learn how devices on your network are communicating with each other, and the i... 続きを読む
PSA: There are over 1000 people in the U.S. named "Infinity" and the jQuery .data() method attempts to convert to number when reading off the DOM : javascript
limit my search to r/javascript subreddit: subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author: username find submissions by "username" site: example.com find submissions from "example.com" url: text sea... 続きを読む
AppleのAirPodsの斬新な着け方をジュリアーニ・元ニューヨーク市長が披露して話題に - GIGAZINE
長年の間アメリカ・ニューヨークの市長を務め、大統領選挙にも出馬した ルドルフ・ジュリアーニ 元ニューヨーク市長が、Appleのワイヤレスイヤホン「AirPods」を独特な装着の仕方をしていると、話題になっています。 Rudy Giuliani has no idea how to wear Apple AirPods, and the internet is roasting him https:... 続きを読む
EPYC confirmed to suffer from the segfault issue. AMD, we *need* an official statement : Amd
General Information Welcome to /r/AMD ! In this subreddit, we discuss and share news, rumors, ideas, and knowledge relating to AMD, their hardware and software products, and the silicon industry. Plea... 続きを読む
ホワイトハウス、AI普及と米経済への影響など記したレポートを公開 - CNET Japan
ホワイトハウスによるAI(人工知能)と経済に関する新たなレポート「 Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy(AI、自動化、そして経済) 」によると、AIは潜在的な経済的利益のために歓迎されるべきものだという。だが、すべての人がAIの発展によるメリットを受けるためには、「積極的な」公的な政策が導入されなければならないと付け加えている。... 続きを読む
How Google Inbox shares 70% of its code across Android, iOS, and the Web | Ars Technica
New Since Last Visit See more news stories We Recommend My Discussions Log in to track your discussions. Technology Lab / Information Technology How Google Inbox shares 70% of its code across Android,... 続きを読む
カフェイン摂取よりもパフォーマンス向上に2倍も効果がある方法とは? - GIGAZINE
By Tahir Hashmi 眠気を覚ますため、コーヒーやレッドブルなどを飲んでカフェインを摂取するという方法がありますが、カフェインの摂取よりも2倍もパフォーマンス向上に効果があり、効果の持続時間は6時間にも及ぶ、という毎日眠気と戦う人にとっては夢のような眠気覚まし方法が存在します。 Electrical brain stimulation beats caffeine – and the e... 続きを読む
The Nexus 10, Lollipop, and the problem with big Android tablets | Ars Technica
New Since Last Visit See more news stories We Recommend My Discussions Log in to track your discussions. Gear & Gadgets / Product News & Reviews The Nexus 10, Lollipop, and the problem with big Androi... 続きを読む
Analyzing JavaScript Scope — Proto&Type
Proto&Type is a blog about UX, Interaction Design, and the Web.JavaScript’s scoping rules are pretty darn simple, but they make for a few implications that surprise novice and experienced developers a... 続きを読む
JS stacktraces. The good, the bad, and the ugly. - Bugsnag Blog
Error monitoring in JavaScript is a thorny problem. On the one hand window.onerror will at least notify you when something goes wrong. On the other, it won't give you enough information to actually de... 続きを読む
Akkie, and the 101 things you can do with a CD-ROM drive’s eject function | Raspberry Pi
I met Akira Ouchi – or Akkie, as he prefers to be known (his site’s in Japanese, but you can use an auto-translation service) at the Big Raspberry Jam in Tokyo back in May. Although we didn’t have muc... 続きを読む
シュマイケル「プレミアで2得点のアジア人も初」韓国人「パクが2点決めている謝罪しろ」→シュマイケル謝罪 : footballnet
シュマイケル「プレミアで2得点のアジア人も初」韓国人「パクが2点決めている謝罪しろ」→シュマイケル謝罪 カテゴリ痛いニュースアジアサッカー Tweet Ok guys I surrender. Park scored 2 v Wolves dec 2010...!!I watched the match today on DK TV, and the stat came from there.— ... 続きを読む
CiNii 論文 - 原子力発電と差別の再生産--ミネソタ州プレイリー・アイランド原子力発電所と先住民 (緊急特集 東日本大震災・原発事故と歴史学)
原子力発電と差別の再生産--ミネソタ州プレイリー・アイランド原子力発電所と先住民 (緊急特集 東日本大震災・原発事故と歴史学) Nuclear power generation and the reproduction of discrimination: the nuclear power plant at Prairie Island, Minnesota, and the indigenou... 続きを読む
Google I/O コンテスト受賞作品のご紹介 - Google Japan Developer Relations Blog
Google I/O コンテスト受賞作品のご紹介 2011年5月10日火曜日 | 10:46 ラベル: GoogleI/O Posted by 山崎富美 / Developer Relations Team [本記事は、The official Google Code Blog にて、Google I/O チーム の Monica Tran が投稿した And the glory goes to.... 続きを読む