タグ in the
人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersADHDの人は平均寿命が短いことが明らかに
注意欠陥・多動性障害(ADHD)と診断された成人は、男性の場合は平均6.78年、女性の場合は平均8.64年、他の人よりも寿命が短い可能性があることが研究で明らかになりました。 Life expectancy and years of life lost for adults with diagnosed ADHD in the UK: matched cohort study | The British Journal of Psychiatr... 続きを読む
作りすぎない技術 - API時代の開発努力の在り方について考える / Thinking about the state of development efforts in the API era
Presentation Slides for 開発生産性Conference 2024 Session title: 作りすぎない技術 - API時代の開発努力の在り方について考える Date: 2024/06/28 続きを読む
スクラムガイドに載っていないスクラムのはじめかた - チームでスクラムをはじめるときに知っておきたい5個のコツ - / How to start Scrum that is not written in the Scrum Guide
Scrum Fest Fukuoka 2024にて。 https://confengine.com/conferences/scrum-fest-fukuoka-2024/proposal/19555/5 プロフィールやお問い合わせはこちらからどうぞ! https://agile-monster.com/profile/ https://agile-monster.com/contact/ 続きを読む
iOS 17.4 seems to remove web app support in the EU
iOS 17.4 iOS 17.4 seems to remove web app support for iPhone users in the EU Apple recently released iOS 17.4 beta to comply with the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust legislation, which forced the company to allow alternative app stores on the iPhone. The update also brings so... 続きを読む
ピカソもマティスも見出した! 伝説のロシア人コレクターの知られざる人生
マティスの作品で埋め尽くされたシチューキン邸の一室 The Matisse Room (the Pink Drawing Room) in the S. I. Shchukin home ©The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. Photo ©Museum of Modern Western Painting, Moscow パリで開催中の展覧会「ICONS OF MODERN ART – The Shchukin Collection」(「近代美術... 続きを読む
mrcjkb.dev - Algebraic data types in Lua (Almost)
Posted on August 17, 2023 Lua, in the realm of Neovim, is a curious companion. For personal configuration tweaks, it’s incredibly responsive, giving me immediate feedback. Moreover, when I’m uncertain about an idea’s potential, Lua offers a forgiving platform for prototyping without commitment. Y... 続きを読む
In the U.S., His Site Has Been Linked to Massacres. In Japan, He’s a Star.
He has amassed millions of followers on social media, where he opines on the failures of Japanese society. He has appeared both on the catwalk at one of Japan’s biggest fashion shows and in a government video urging people to watch their finances. In a national poll, high school students said he ... 続きを読む
IT・メディアWhile the teacher is away several students are acting up in the classroom 2021年4月4日に公開され、数々の批判を受けた後に22年の同日にネット上から当初の文面が削除された「オープンレター 女性差別的な文化を脱するために」が、再度の炎上を起こしている。 私としては21年のうちに論じ尽くしたこの... 続きを読む
Terraformのplan結果をmarkdownとして整形するツール、terraform-j2mdの紹介 - Repro Tech Blog
こんにちは、@r_takaishi です。最近のおすすめYouTubeチャンネルは Namibia: Live stream in the Namib Desert です。今回は、Terraformのplan結果をmarkdownで整形するツールである reproio/terraform-j2md について紹介します。 どのようなツールなのか まずはterrafororm-j2mdがどのようなツールなのかお見せします... 続きを読む
Doug Madory on Twitter: "Island nation of #Tonga is completely offline following a #tsunami triggered by a massive volcanic eruption in the… https://t.co/w8QjfMQUbd"
Island nation of #Tonga is completely offline following a #tsunami triggered by a massive volcanic eruption in the… https://t.co/w8QjfMQUbd 続きを読む
GitHub Actions - Update on OIDC based deployments to AWS | GitHub Changelog
While renewing GitHub Actions SSL certificates, an unexpected change in the intermediate certificate authority broke workflows using Open ID Connect (OIDC) based deployment to AWS. To fix the issue please follow the following steps: In the AWS Console, go to IAM -> Identity Providers Open the pro... 続きを読む
見えない巨象としての Sci-Hub(八田真行) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース
誰もが知っていて、誰の目にも明らかにもかかわらず、誰も言及したくない、そういう物議を醸すような物事を英語で「部屋の中の象」(the elephant in the room)と呼ぶが、学術界の見えざる巨象といえば、Sci-Hubであろう。 カザフスタンの研究者兼プログラマ、アレクサンドリア・エルバキアン(が2011年に開設したSci-H... 続きを読む
ロックダウンで命は救えないが経済は悪化する | アゴラ 言論プラットフォーム
アメリカの各州は、コロナ対策の実験場である。おおむね民主党の知事の州(青)はロックダウンなどのきびしい規制を行ない、共和党系(赤)は規制が少ない。ロックダウンで死亡率は下がっただろうか? Is containing COVID-19 a requirement for preserving the economy? My analysis suggests: probably not. In the US... 続きを読む
Museums hold Twitter showdown to find world's creepiest exhibit | Museums | The Guardian
Museums hold Twitter showdown to find world's creepiest exhibit Locked-down institutions go online for Yorkshire Museum’s weekly ‘curator battles’ A zombie blowfish, a hideous mermaid and a lucky charm made out of a dead man’s finger are all competing to be crowned the creepiest exhibits in the w... 続きを読む
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 16 March 2020
Home/ WHO Director-General/ Speeches/ Detail/ WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 16 March 2020 WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 16 March 2020 Good afternoon everyone. In the past week, we have seen a rapid escalatio... 続きを読む
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020
Home/ WHO Director-General/ Speeches/ Detail/ WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020 WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020 Good afternoon. In the past two weeks, the number of cases of COVID-19 ou... 続きを読む
As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure - The New York Times
As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure While senior officials argue the drone strike was warranted to prevent future attacks, some in the administration remain skeptical about the rationale for the attack. WASHINGTON — In the chaotic days leading to the death of Maj... 続きを読む
アップルCEO、星野源さんと居酒屋に行く「楽しかったです!」 | BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN
来日中の米アップルのティム・クックCEOは12月8日午後8時34分、「居酒屋」を楽しんだことをTwitterの個人アカウントで投稿した。 同席した相手は、アーティストの星野源さんだった。 「Wowed by the many talents of Gen @gen_senden . Thanks for showing me how you bring your creative vision to life in the studio. L... 続きを読む
Why do some people write the number seven as '7' with a small horizontal line in the middle? (なぜ一部の人々は、数字の7を「7」と書いて、中央に小さな水平線を付けますか?) - Quora
Why do some people write the number seven as "7" with a small horizontal line in the middle? 続きを読む
Welcome to the AWS Containers Blog | Containers
Containers Welcome to the AWS Containers Blog This post was contributed by Deepak Singh, VP of Compute Services at AWS Welcome to the AWS Containers Blog! We’re excited to start this channel to give builders a closer look under the hood of all things container-related at AWS. In the past, we’ve p... 続きを読む
2019-04-09のJS: ChromiumベースのMicrosoft Edge プレビュー版公開、`request`モジュールがメンテンスモードに移行の予定 - JSer.info
JSer.info #430 - 2018年12月にアナウンスされていたように、Chromiumを利用したMicrosoft Edge(MSEdge)のプレビュー版が公開されました。 Microsoft Edge preview builds: The next step in our OSS journey | Windows Experience Blog What to expect in the new Microsoft Edge Insider Channels - Microsoft Edge Bl... 続きを読む
What to expect in the new Microsoft Edge Insider Channels - Microsoft Edge Blog
All Microsoft Office Windows Surface Xbox Deals Support Software Windows apps OneDrive Outlook Skype OneNote PCs & Devices PCs & tablets Accessories Entertainment Xbox games PC games Windows digital games Movies & TV Books Business Microsoft Azure Microsoft Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 Microsoft In... 続きを読む
New – EC2 Instances (A1) Powered by Arm-Based AWS Graviton Processors | AWS News Blog
AWS News Blog New – EC2 Instances (A1) Powered by Arm-Based AWS Graviton Processors Earlier this year I told you about the AWS Nitro System and promised you that it would allow us to “deliver new instance types more quickly than ever in the months to come.” Since I made that promise we have launc... 続きを読む
Announcing App Engine’s New Go 1.11 Runtime - The Go Blog
Announcing App Engine’s New Go 1.11 Runtime 16 October 2018 App Engine launched experimental support for Go in 2011. In the subsequent years, the Go community has grown significantly and has settled on idiomatic patterns for cloud-based applications. Today, Google Cloud is announcing a new Go 1.1... 続きを読む
Page Lifecycle API | Web | Google Developers
Modern browsers today will sometimes suspend pages or discard them entirely when system resources are constrained. In the future, browsers want to do this proactively, so they consume less power and memory. The Page Lifecycle API, shipping in Chrome 68, provides lifecycle hooks so your pages can ... 続きを読む