タグ Chrome Developers
人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersChrome 118 beta - Chrome Developers
Chrome 118 beta Scoped styles for CSS, additional media features, keyboard-focusable scroll containers, and more. Published on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Unless otherwise noted, changes described below apply to the newest Chrome beta channel release for Android, ChromeOS, Linux, macOS, and Win... 続きを読む
Long Animation Frames API - Chrome Developers
The Long Animation Frames API (LoAF - pronounced Lo-Af) is a new proposal from the Chrome team to update the Long Tasks API to provide a better understanding of slow user interface (UI) updates. This can be useful to identify slow animation frames which are likely to affect the pending Interactio... 続きを読む
DevTools Tips: Record and replay user flows with the Recorder - Chrome Developers
For a more hands-on experience, see the Record, replay, and measure user flows tutorial. The DevTools team is actively developing the Recorder panel and has added the following new capabilities since the video came out. Now you can: Export and share your recordings in various formats, including c... 続きを読む
Chrome for Testing: reliable downloads for browser automation - Chrome Developers
Today we’re happy to announce Chrome for Testing, a new Chrome flavor that specifically targets web app testing and automation use cases. This article explains why the Chrome team felt this was needed, and walks through concrete examples where Chrome for Testing might benefit you as a developer. ... 続きを読む
Chrome113でHTTPヘッダを上書きしていろんな状態をお試しできる - hogashi.*
Chrome 113 で、 DevTools の Network ペインで HTTP ヘッダを好きなように編集して、いろんな状態をお試しできるようになっている。 What's New in DevTools (Chrome 113) - Chrome Developers で紹介されている。 GitHub から example.com を fetch してみる GitHub の CSP ヘッダを上書き example.com の CORS のヘッ... 続きを読む
The origin private file system - Chrome Developers
# MotivationWhen you think of files on your computer, you probably think about a file hierarchy: files organized in folders that you can explore with your operating system's file explorer. For example, on Windows, for a user called Tom, their To Do list might live in C:\Users\Tom\Documents\ToDo.t... 続きを読む
More control over :nth-child() selections with the of S syntax - Chrome Developers
# The :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() pseudo-class selectorsWith the :nth-child() pseudo-class selector it is possible to select Elements in the DOM by their index. Using the An+B microsyntax you get fine control over which elements you want to select. :nth-child(2): Select the 2nd child.:nth-... 続きを読む
Tether elements to each other with CSS anchor positioning - Chrome Developers
Tether elements to each other with CSS anchor positioning Published on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 How do you currently tether one element to another? You might try tracking their positions, or use some form of wrapper element. <!-- index.html --> <div class="container"> <a href="/link" class="ancho... 続きを読む
完全体となったContainer Queriesの所感の雑記 - Qiita
Chrome 111 betaでついに、Style Container Queriesが対応されました。 Chrome 111 beta - Chrome Developers 今まではサイズのみ対応で、Container Queriesとして使い物になりませんでした。 しかし今回のベータ版のアップデートで style() 関数の対応しています。 前々からContainer Queriesは、CSS設計を変革させる機... 続きを読む
10 月の User-Agent 削減の変更に備える - Chrome Developers
10 月の User-Agent 削減の変更に備えるUser-Agent 文字列に起きていること、Chrome がこの変更を行う理由、および準備作業について。 公開日 2022年8月25日木曜日 翻訳先言語: English 10 月、Chrome はユーザーのプライバシーを向上させるために、ブラウザの User-Agent 文字列で利用できる情報を削減するための次の... 続きを読む
Performance insights: Get actionable insights on your website's performance - Chrome Developers
Use the Performance insights panel to get actionable and use-case-driven insights on your website's performance. This is a preview feature in Chrome 102. Our team is actively working on this feature and we are looking for your feedback for further enhancements. # Why a new panel?The new Performan... 続きを読む
#100CoolWebMoments - Chrome Developers
Take a stroll down memory lane and celebrate #100CoolWebMoments since Chrome's first release. cool web momentsTake a scroll down memory lane... Tell us which moments you loved the most. If we’ve missed anything (and we’re sure we have!), tweet us @Chromiumdev with #100CoolWebMoments. Enjoy! 続きを読む
DevTools の新機能 (Chrome 96) - Chrome Developers
DevTools の新機能 (Chrome 96)Published on 2021年10月25日月曜日 • Updated on 2021年10月25日月曜日 Translated to: English, Español, Português, 한국어, 中文, Pусский # プレビュー機能: 新しい CSS Overview パネル新しい CSS Overview パネルを使用するとあなたのページの CSS を改善できる可能性を確認できま... 続きを読む
Record, replay and measure user flows - Chrome Developers
# Open the Recorder panelOpen DevTools. Click on More options > More tools > Recorder. Alternatively, use the Command Menu to open the Recorder panel. # IntroductionWe will be using this coffee ordering demo page. Checkout is a common user flow among shopping websites. In the next sections, w... 続きを読む
New in Chrome 94 - Chrome Developers
New in Chrome 94Published on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Here's what you need to know: The default color space for <canvas> elements is now formally defined in the spec as SRGB, and you can change it to Display P3.WebCodecs is a new, low level way to access built in audio and video codecs, import... 続きを読む
プライバシーサンドボックス - Chrome Developers
プライバシーサンドボックスプライバシーサンドボックスは、サードパーティの Cookie やその他の追跡メカニズムを使用せずにクロスサイトのユースケースを満たすことを目指す一連の提案です。 続きを読む
DevTools の新機能 (Chrome 94) - Chrome Developers
DevTools の新機能 (Chrome 94)Published on 2021年8月24日火曜日 • Updated on 2021年8月24日火曜日 Translated to: English, Español, Português # 好みの言語での DevTools の利用Chrome DevTools は 80 言語以上をサポートするようになりました。あなたの好みの言語で使用することができます! Settings を開き、Pre... 続きを読む
User-Agent Reduction origin trial - Chrome Developers
User-Agent Reduction origin trialPublished on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 User-Agent Reduction is an effort to reduce passive fingerprinting surfaces by reducing the information in the User-Agent (UA) string to only the browser's brand and significant version, its desktop or mobile distinction, a... 続きを読む
First-Party Sets and the SameParty attribute - Chrome Developers
Many organizations have related sites with different domain names, such as brandx.site and fly-brandx.site—or domains for different countries such as example.com, example.rs, example.co.uk and so on. Browsers are moving towards making third-party cookies obsolete to improve privacy on the web, bu... 続きを読む
DevTools architecture refresh: migrating DevTools to TypeScript - Chrome Developers
Following up on our migration to JavaScript modules and migration to Web Components, today we are continuing our blog post series on the changes we are making to Devtools' architecture and how it is built. (If you have not seen it already, we posted a video on our work of Upgrading DevTools’ arch... 続きを読む