タグ Why we
人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersAmazon: NOT OK - why we had to change Elastic licensing | Elastic Blog
We recently announced a license change: Blog, FAQ. We posted some additional guidance on the license change this morning. I wanted to share why we had to make this change. This was an incredibly hard decision, especially with my background and history around Open Source. I take our responsibility... 続きを読む
Why we moved from Slack – Oliver Birch – Medium
Why we moved from SlackDear Wanchain Community, Initially we started off our community on Slack. We were just a few hundred people in mid-August. After a high interest and influx of thousands of users, we started experiencing security issues with Slack. What were the security issues? 1) Slackbot ... 続きを読む
大自然言語時代のための、文章要約 - Qiita
さまざまなニュースアプリ、ブログ、SNSと近年テキストの情報はますます増えています。日々たくさんの情報が配信されるため、Twitterやまとめサイトを見ていたら数時間たっていた・・・なんてこともよくあると思います。世はまさに大自然言語時代。 from THE HISTORICAL GROWTH OF DATA: WHY WE NEED A FASTER TRANSFER SOLUTION FOR ... 続きを読む
Why we switched from Python to Go - The Stream Blog
Switching to a new language is always a big step, especially when only one of your team members has prior experience with that language. Early this year, we switched Stream’s primary programming langu... 続きを読む
Why we ended up not using Rails for our new JSON API - DNSimple Blog
When we initially launched our API v1 , we knew that it was just the first step towards our vision of an extensive domain management automation API to support our platform for DNS and domain automatio... 続きを読む
RethinkDB: why we failed
When we announced that RethinkDB is shutting down, I promised to write a post-mortem. I took some time to process the experience, and I can now write about it clearly. In the HN discussion thread peop... 続きを読む
Make: Japan | なぜ、我々はMaker Media を分社化したのか — Tim O’Reilly
今日、O’Reilly MediaはMaker Mediaを分社化することを発表した。このような運びになった背景と、この新しいMaker Mediaにどのような好機があると考えているのかについて、すこし説明したい。[日本語版編集部から:本エントリは、O’Reilly Radarの“Why we spun out Maker Media”の翻訳です。] 愛好家から起業家への橋渡し 次の10年間で興味... 続きを読む
TEDでの「恋愛」に関する本質的なプレゼンテーションまとめ | Popsicle
巷では恋愛についての小手先テクニック情報が溢れています。 それはそれでいいんですが TEDで超一流のプレゼンテーターによる 本質的なプレゼンテーションを見るのもいいかと思います。 というわけで早速紹介していきます。 ヘレン・フィッシャー:Why we love, why we cheat タイトルからして興味深いですね。 お次もヘレン・フィッシャーさん ヘレン・フィッシャー:恋する脳の研究 色々な... 続きを読む
Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders | Video on TED.com
You either have JavaScript turned off or have an old version of the Adobe Flash Player. To view this video you need to get the latest Flash player. If you are on a mobile device, you may be able to do... 続きを読む