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人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersConfidence Weightedで ランク学習を実装してみた
Loading…Flash Player 9 (or above) is needed to view presentations. We have detected that you do not have it on your computer. To install it, go here.Confidence Weightedで ランク学習を実装してみた - Presentation Tr... 続きを読む
Loading…Flash Player 9 (or above) is needed to view presentations. We have detected that you do not have it on your computer. To install it, go here.月商数千万のソーシャルゲームを作る方法 - Presentation Transcript月商数千万の... 続きを読む
名古屋Ruby会議02 LT:Ruby中級への道
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Loading…Flash Player 9 (or above) is needed to view presentations. We have detected that you do not have it on your computer. To install it, go here.MapReduceによる大規模データを利用した機械学習 - Presentation Transcri... 続きを読む
Ruby の懸案事項
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Loading…Flash Player 9 (or above) is needed to view presentations. We have detected that you do not have it on your computer. To install it, go here.PyCUDAの紹介 - Presentation TranscriptPyCUDAの紹介 Python... 続きを読む
【18-C-4】Google App Engine - 無限の彼方へ
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なぜソフトウェアアーキテクトが必要なのか - デブサミ2011
Loading…Flash Player 9 (or above) is needed to view presentations. We have detected that you do not have it on your computer. To install it, go here.なぜソフトウェアアーキテクトが必要なのか - デブサミ2011 - Presentation Tran... 続きを読む
Nseg2 自宅サーバ運用について
Loading…Flash Player 9 (or above) is needed to view presentations. We have detected that you do not have it on your computer. To install it, go here.Nseg2 自宅サーバ運用について - Presentation Transcript2010/4/2... 続きを読む