タグ released
人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersJapanese band pulls 'Columbus' video after slavery backlash
The music video swiftly sparked a backlash after it was released - and was later removed A Japanese rock band has pulled the music video for its new song "Columbus" after drawing flak for scenes that depicted Christopher Columbus with ape-like men. The video shows three historical figures teachin... 続きを読む
NVIDIAのドライバアップデートでStable Diffusionが2倍高速化
2023年10月17日に配信された「Game Ready ドライバー」のアップデートによりいくつかのゲームの起動時パフォーマンスが向上し、さらに画像生成AIのStable Diffusionが最大2倍速くなることが発表されました。 New Game Ready Driver Released: DLSS 3 For NARAKA: BLADEPOINT and Warhammer: Vermintide 2, Plus RTX Vide... 続きを読む
PostgreSQL 16がリリースされる、COPYの性能が最大300%向上などパフォーマンスの改善や論理レプリケーション機能の強化など盛りだくさんな内容
オープンソースのデータベース「PostgreSQL」のバージョン16がリリースされました。パフォーマンスの改善や論理レプリケーション機能の強化をはじめ、開発者のQOL向上やセキュリティ関連の更新など開発開始から35年経過しているとは思えない盛りだくさんな内容となっています。 PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 16 Released! htt... 続きを読む
PostgreSQL 16 Released!
September 14, 2023 - The PostgreSQL Global Development Group today announced the release of PostgreSQL 16, the latest version of the world's most advanced open source database. PostgreSQL 16 raises its performance, with notable improvements to query parallelism, bulk data loading, and logical rep... 続きを読む
Volar 1.0 "Nika" Released! | The Vue Point
We are happy to announce that we have released v1.0 of Volar, the official IDE/TS tooling support for Vue! 🎉 This major version ships with tons of improvements across the board. In addition to improving UX, performance, and package size, we also released Plugin API v1 and refactored the core cod... 続きを読む
Vue 2.7 "Naruto" Released | The Vue Point
Today we are happy to announce that Vue 2.7 "Naturo" has been released! Despite Vue 3 now being the default version, we understand that there are still many users who have to stay on Vue 2 due to dependency compatibility, browser support requirements, or simply not enough bandwidth to upgrade. In... 続きを読む
Laravel 9 is Now Released!
Laravel 9 is now released and includes many new features, including a minimum PHP v8.0 version, controller route groups, a refreshed default Ignition error page, Laravel Scout database engine, Symfony mailer integration, Flysystem 3.x, Improved Eloquent accessors/mutators, and many more features.... 続きを読む
CNN.co.jp : 原子力潜水艦とは何か、その仕組みは? 豪州の軍事的野心を解説 - (1/3)
演習中の米海軍攻撃型潜水艦「ジョン・ウォーナー」。前方でイルカが跳ねている/U.S. Navy photo courtesy of Huntington Ingalls Industries by ChrisOxley/Released 香港(CNN) オーストラリアはこのほど、原子力潜水艦の開発に着手することで米英両国と合意した。オーストラリアの潜水艦は米英の最新艦によく似た... 続きを読む
Released: Docker Desktop for Mac [Apple Silicon] - Docker Blog
Today we are excited to announce the general availability of Docker Desktop for Mac [Apple Silicon], continuing to support developers in our community with their choice of local development environments. First, we want to say a big thank you to our community. The excitement you have shown about b... 続きを読む
jQuery 3.6.0 Released! | Official jQuery Blog
jQuery 3.6.0 has been released! In jQuery 3.5.0, the major change was a security fix for the html prefilter. This release does not include a security fix, but does have some good bug fixes and improvements. We still have our eyes on a jQuery 4.0 release, but until then we will continue to support... 続きを読む
Ruby 3.0.0 Preview 2 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.0.0-preview2. It introduces a number of new features and performance improvements. Static Analysis RBS RBS is a language to describe the types of Ruby programs. Type checkers including TypeProf and other tools supporting RBS will understand Ruby pr... 続きを読む
Ruby 3.0.0 Preview 1 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.0.0-preview1. It introduces a number of new features and performance improvements. RBS RBS is a language to describe the types of Ruby programs. Type checkers including type-profiler and other tools supporting RBS will understand Ruby programs much... 続きを読む
2020-04-14のJS: jQuery 3.5.0(securify fix)、Firefox 75、Chrome 81 - JSer.info
JSer.info #483 - jQuery 3.5.0がリリースされました。 jQuery 3.5.0 Released! | Official jQuery Blog jQuery 3.5.0では、jQuery 4.0で削除される予定の非標準な:evenと:oddセレクタの代わりに、.even()と.odd()メソッドが追加されています。 また3.5.0はマイナーアップデートですが、非互換な変更を含むセキュリティ... 続きを読む
Reactで画像やテキストにWebGLエフェクトをかけるライブラリ作った - マルシテイア
amagiです。先日React用コンポーネントライブラリのREACT-VFXをリリースしました。 REACT-VFXを使うと、画像や動画、テキストにWebGLでエフェクトをかけることが出来ます。 ⚡?????-??? released!⚡ I created React components to add WebGL effects to images, videos and plain texts in your app. It also supports a... 続きを読む
Kotlin 1.3.50がリリースされました!! - Qiita
https://kotlinlang.org/ 2019/8/22 Kotlin 1.3.50がリリースされました Kotlin 1.3.50 released 併せて Kotlin coroutiees1.3.0もリリースされましたね! (こっちは今回触れませんが..) Kotlin Fest 2019も開催直前でのリリースとなりました! (登壇された方は直前に1.3.50に対応するため資料修正が大変だったとか..) ... 続きを読む
Elastic Stack 7.3.0 released | Elastic Blog
We are thrilled to announce that version 7.3 of the Elastic Stack has arrived, and it’s another good one. In this blog, we’ll touch on some of the release highlights. Be sure to check out the dedicated blogs for each product to dive into all the details of what’s new. If you just can’t wait, vers... 続きを読む
Ruby 2.6.0-rc1 Released
Ruby 2.6.0に向けた最初のリリース候補である、Ruby 2.6.0-rc1がリリースされました。 Ruby 2.6.0-rc1は、リリース前に出されるRelease Candidateに向けて最新の機能を試せるようにするためリリースされています。 JIT Ruby 2.6ではJIT (Just-in-time) コンパイラが導入されました。 JITコンパイラはあらゆるRubyプログ... 続きを読む
Laravel 5.7 is now released! - Laravel News
Laravel 5.7 is now released and available to everyone. This release introduces several new features and many bug fixes and improvements over 5.6. Some of the new features include: New Resources Directory The resources directory is now flattened removing the “assets” folder that appeared in previo... 続きを読む
Kazuho's Weblog: H2O version 2.2.3 released, incl. vulnerability fixes
Today, we have released H2O version 2.2.3. This is a bug-fix release, including two security fixes and 14 bug fixes from 7 people . Please consult the release page for details. The vulnerabilities bei... 続きを読む
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 10 Released
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group today announced the release of PostgreSQL 10, the latest version of the world's most advanced open source database. A critical feature of modern workloads is th... 続きを読む
Rails 4.2.10 released | Riding Rails
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 4.2.10 final has been released! As noted in the rc1 post, Rails 4.2 is no longer supported except for severe security patches, but the last release intro... 続きを読む
Swift.org - Swift 4.0 Released!
Swift 4 is now officially released! Swift 4 builds on the strengths of Swift 3, delivering greater robustness and stability, providing source code compatibility with Swift 3, making improvements to th... 続きを読む
Ruby 2.4.0-rc1 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 2.4.0-rc1. Ruby 2.4.0-rc1 is the first release candidate of Ruby 2.4.0. This rc1 is released to get feedback from the community. Feel free to send feedba... 続きを読む
PhpStorm 2016.3 入門動画を作りました - なんたらノート第三期ベータ
2016 - 11 - 25 PhpStorm 2016.3 入門動画を作りました 祝 PhpStorm 2016.3 リリース 2016/11/24、な感じのネタです。 PhpStorm 2016.3 is now released! | PhpStorm Blog 先日、 株式会社ロックオン 様の社内勉強会に招待されて、PhpStorm のワザをいろいろ共有してきました。EC-CUBE3のソー... 続きを読む
Spring Boot 1.3.0 released
One behalf of the Spring Boot team, and everyone that has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Boot 1.3.0 has been released and is available now from repo.spring.io, Maven Central and Bin... 続きを読む