タグ It was
人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersThe story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono
The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono2024-10-17 Hono is a fast, lightweight web framework that runs anywhere JavaScript does, built with Web Standards. Of course, it runs on Cloudflare Workers. It was three years ago, in December 2021. At that time, I wanted to create applicat... 続きを読む
コードなしでWeb3コンテンツなどを開発することができるプラットフォーム・thirdwebの創設者であるadammaj氏が、「経験なしで2週間でゼロからGPUを構築した」と報告しています。 I've spent the past ~2 weeks building a GPU from scratch with no prior experience. It was way harder than I expected. Progress trac... 続きを読む
core-js/2023-02-14-so-whats-next.md at master · zloirock/core-js
So, what's next? Hi. I am (@zloirock) a full-time open-source developer. I don't like to write long posts, but it seems this is high time to do it. Initially, this post was supposed to be a post about the start of active development of the new major version of core-js and the roadmap (it was move... 続きを読む
Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1
At the Kernel Maintainers Summit, the question wasn't, "Would Rust make it into Linux?" Instead, it was, "What to do about its compilers?" Image: Linus Torvalds/TED/YouTubeThe Rust in Linux debate is over. The implementation has begun. In an email conversation, Linux's creator Linus Torvalds, tol... 続きを読む
Projects · ytdl-org / youtube-dl · GitLab
This is a backup of https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl since it was taken down by the RIAA. I'll wait to see what happens with the GitHub repository and the current maintainer before I do anything with this clone. 続きを読む
All bugfixes are incompatibilities
All bugfixes are incompatibilities 1. 2019-04-19 All bug-fixes are incompatibilities nagachika @ RubyKaigi 2019 2. Important Notification about RubyGems.org The attackers try to hijack your account with compromised password list. Example: bootstrap-sass was compromised by this attack. It was inje... 続きを読む
本の虫: オーストラリア警察が世界最大の児童ポルノサイトを11ヶ月運営していたことが判明
VG exposed the largest child sexual abuse forum. It was run by the police. ノルウェイのタブロイド紙のヴェルデンス・ガング(VG)は、Tor経由でアクセスできるいわゆるダークウェブの中で世界最大の児童ポルノサイトであるChilds Playは、オーストラリア警察によって運営されていたことをつきとめた。この顛末は倫理的にも技術... 続きを読む
本の虫: オーストラリア警察が世界最大の児童ポルノサイトを11ヶ月運営していたことが判明
VG exposed the largest child sexual abuse forum. It was run by the police. ノルウェイのタブロイド紙のヴェルデンス・ガング(VG)は、Tor経由でアクセスできるいわゆるダークウェブの中で世界最大の児童ポルノサイトであるChilds Playは、オーストラリア警察によって運営されていたことをつきとめた。この顛末は倫理的にも技術... 続きを読む
Netflix: From Zero to Production-Ready in Minutes (QCon 2017)
Netflix: From Zero to Production-Ready in Minutes (QCon 2017) 1. From Zero to Production-Ready in Minutes Tim Bozarth @timbozarth 2. Dev Experience: Level up your Eng Effectiveness 3. Agenda 1. It was... 続きを読む
Microservices - SOA reminded of what it was supposed to deliver?
Are Microservices really something new and different, or is just SOA as it was intended or are they just distributed objects revived? http://www.peterindia.net/CBSD.html http://architects.dzone.com/ar... 続きを読む
BBC News - 30,000-year-old giant virus 'comes back to life'
30,000-year-old giant virus 'comes back to life' By Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC World Service The virus was inactive for more than 30,000 years until it was revived in a laboratory in France... 続きを読む
Long Tail World: ネルソン・マンデラは米国の敵だった:Don't Sanitize Nelson Mandela: Honored Now, Hated Then @PeterBeinart
December 6, 2013 ネルソン・マンデラは米国の敵だった:Don't Sanitize Nelson Mandela: Honored Now, Hated Then @PeterBeinart Tweet Growing up I heard Mandela called a "communist-terrorist" so often I half thought it was p... 続きを読む
Taku Kudo - Google+ - https://code.google.com/p/word2vec/ で少し遊んでみた。いわゆる deep…
https://code.google.com/p/word2vec/ で少し遊んでみた。いわゆる deep learning で 単語のベクトル表現を学習してくれる。 面白いのは、2つのベクトルの差が、2つの単語の関係をよく近似してくれること。 It was recently shown that the word vectors capture many linguistic regular... 続きを読む
Iron.io Blog: How We Went from 30 Servers to 2: Go
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 How We Went from 30 Servers to 2: Go When we built the first version of IronWorker, about 3 years ago, it was written in Ruby and the API was built on Rails. It didn’t take lon... 続きを読む
55.000+ Twitter usernames and passwords leaked
Today anonymous hackers leaked more than 55.000 hacked twitter accounts username and password through Pastebin. It was very shocking to see such a massive number of Twitter accounts are hacked. Also c... 続きを読む
Haskell as fast as C: working at a high altitude for low level performance « Control.Monad.Writer
Haskell as fast as C: working at a high altitude for low level performance After the last post about high performance, high level programming, Slava Pestov, of Factor fame, wondered whether it was gen... 続きを読む