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人気順 5 users 10 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersPyTorch の基礎 - Learn
In this module, you will get an introduction to Computer Vision using one of the most popular deep learning frameworks, PyTorch! We'll use image classification tasks to learn about convolutional neural networks, and then see how pre-trained networks and transfer learning can improve our models an... 続きを読む
How to use HTTPS for local development
How to use HTTPS for local development Sometimes, you need to run your local development site with HTTPS. Tools and tips to do this safely and quickly. In this post, statements about localhost are valid for and [::1] as well, since they both describe the local computer address, also cal... 続きを読む
How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL - Vercel Guides
How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQLCreate a fullstack application with Next.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, and deploy to Vercel. Prisma is a next-generation ORM that can be used to acccess a database in Node.js and TypeScript applications. In this guide, you'll learn how to... 続きを読む
AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) – TypeScript and Python are Now Generally Available | AWS News Blog
AWS News Blog AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) – TypeScript and Python are Now Generally Available Managing your Infrastructure as Code provides great benefits and is often a stepping stone for a successful application of DevOps practices. In this way, instead of relying on manually performed step... 続きを読む
Gmail スケールの効率的メモリ管理 - HTML5 Rocks
Your browser may not support the functionality in this article. はじめに JavaScriptはガベージコレクションによる自動メモリ管理の機能を備えますが、アプリケーションが効率的なメモリ管理を全くせずに済むわけではありません。それどころか、JavaScriptで書かれたアプリケーションは、メモリリークやメモリの肥大化等、ネイティブア... 続きを読む
The 15 best gems for ruby on rails web applications | DevInterface Blog
In this post I will share the technology stack that we use in DevInterface in order to create Ruby on Rails web applications. From my point of view, the gems that I’ll show later in this article repre... 続きを読む
CSS3を効果的に使ったWebデザインいろいろ。CSS3とJavaScriptの複合技。Flash全盛期のような挑戦的なデザインが増えてきました。 → Gorgeous Implementations of CSS3 in Web Design | Top Design Magazine - Web Design a
Gorgeous Implementations of CSS3 in Web Design | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content - In this showcase you can see 20 examples of CSS3 based websites which are simply amazing. 続きを読む
京都精華大学アニメーション科第二期生卒業制作作品「rain town」 - Tete
自作アニメ-selfmade anime | 21:13 | 2010年度京都精華大学マンガ学部アニメーション学科第二期生卒業制作作品「rain town」公開します その街はいつからか雨がやまなくなって人々は郊外や高台に移り住んでいった「rain town」人々の記憶の底に沈む 忘れられた“雨の街”へ時折、誰かが迷い込むという… In this town, since who knows whe... 続きを読む
rain town
その街はいつからか雨がやまなくなって人々は郊外や高台に移り住んでいった。「rain town」人々の記憶の底に沈む 忘れられた"雨の街"へ時折、誰かが迷い込むという...。 2010年京都精華大学アニメーション科第二期生卒業制作作品。In this town, since who knows when, rain has never stopped.Residents moved out to s... 続きを読む
Transparent Glass Lettering in Photoshop In this tutorial we're going to use some super layer effects and a bit of extra magic to make a lettering style that looks transparent and stunning. Photoshopで... 続きを読む