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Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust

2021/03/16 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 19 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip awk them language idiom

Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust March 2021 Summary: I describe a simple interview problem (counting frequencies of unique words), solve it in various languages, and compare performance across them. For each language, I’ve included a simple, idiom... 続きを読む

tapl-haskell - Haskell ports of the OCaml implementations for "Types and Programming Languages" by Benjamin C. Pierce - Google Project Hosting

2013/03/02 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 16 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip TAPL Google Project Hosting

OverviewThe goal of this project is to provide Haskell ports of all OCaml implementations for "Types and Programming Languages" (TAPL) by Benjamin C. Pierce. For each system found under "Implementatio... 続きを読む

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