タグ Engineering Blog
人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersDify講座 超入門編 ~まだチャットでポン出し?ワークフローで生成AIが本領発揮!~ | 令和トラベル Engineering Blog
そしてこの投稿の前の日、たわむれにDifyのアドベントカレンダーやってみようかなとおもって気軽な気持ちで「あれ25日しかあいてないや。まぁいいか」と登録したものの「よく考えたらめっちゃトリじゃねえか」と1時間後ぐらいにやべえってなってたので。 ということで、「ChatGPTのポン出しを卒業してDifyのワークフロー... 続きを読む
生成AI と Wikipedia記事 で 子供向けお仕事提案bot を作ってみよう(Azure OpenAI + RAG) - ENGINEERING BLOG ドコモ開発者ブログ
NTT コノキューに出向中の澤山です。 今年の7月にドコモから、コノキューにやってきました。 この記事は、NTTドコモ アドベントカレンダー2023 21日目の記事です。 この記事では、Wikipedia記事 と Azure OpenAI API、既存のモデルの3つを用い、RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)のためのデータ作成と、RAGを活用した... 続きを読む
【NeurIPS2022】過去17年間の機械学習・AI研究のトレンドを調査してみた - ENGINEERING BLOG ドコモ開発者ブログ
こんにちは。dcm_chidaです。 ドコモ開発者ブログ初投稿です。よろしくお願いします。 はじめに みなさん「NeurIPS」と言う国際会議名を聞いたことがあるでしょうか? 機械学習・データ分析の分野では毎年たくさんの国際会議が開催されていますが、NeurIPSはその中でも歴史あるトップカンファレンスの一つです。世界中の... 続きを読む
数字で振り返るMercari Engineering Blogの1年間
こんにちは。メルカリEngineering Officeの@yasu_shiwakuです。この記事は、Mercari Advent Calendar 2022 の2日目の記事です。 本記事では、技術情報の発信をおこなっているMercari Engineering Blogの定常的な計測を実施した経緯と、Engineering Blogを通じたここ1年間のおおまかな技術広報活動について振り返っていき... 続きを読む
[翻訳] Shopifyにおけるモジュラモノリスへの移行 - Qiita
こんにちは、食べログシステム本部長の京和です。 本エントリでは Shopify の Engineering Blog から、Kirsten Westeinde による「Deconstructing the Monolith: Designing Software that Maximizes Developer Productivity」を翻訳して掲載します。 食べログではユーザーや飲食店に価値を届けるスピードを最大化するべ... 続きを読む
[翻訳] Shopifyにおけるモジュラモノリスへの移行 - Qiita
こんにちは。食べログシステム本部長の京和です。 本エントリでは Shopify の Engineering Blog から、Kirsten Westeinde による「Deconstructing the Monolith: Designing Software that Maximizes Developer Productivity」を翻訳して掲載します。 食べログではユーザーや飲食店に価値を届けるスピードを最大化するべ... 続きを読む
Migrating Messenger storage to optimize performance | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Open SourcePlatformsAndroidiOSWebInfrastructure SystemsCore DataData InfrastructureDeveloper ToolsProduction EngineeringSecurityHardware InfrastructureConnectivityData CenterNetworking & TrafficVideo & VRVideo EngineeringVirtual RealityArtificial IntelligenceApplied Machine LearningResearch More ... 続きを読む
Accelerate large-scale applications with BOLT | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Open SourcePlatformsAndroidiOSWebInfrastructure SystemsCore DataData InfrastructureDeveloper ToolsProduction EngineeringSecurityHardware InfrastructureConnectivityData CenterNetworking & TrafficVideo & VRVideo EngineeringVirtual RealityArtificial IntelligenceApplied Machine LearningResearch Highl... 続きを読む
Relicensing React, Jest, Flow, and Immutable.js | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Open Source Platforms Android iOS Web Infrastructure Systems Core Data Data Infrastructure Developer Tools Production Engineering Security Hardware Infrastructure Connectivity Data Center Networking &... 続きを読む
2017-09-11のJS: Yarn 1.0とworkspace、Node.jsウェブフレームワークのfastify - JSer.info
JSer.info #348 - Yarn 1.0がリリースされました。 Announcing Yarn 1.0 | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code Release v1.0.0 ! 続きを読む
Announcing Yarn 1.0 | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Today, we are excited to announce the 1.0 release of the Yarn JavaScript package manager, a major step for the project. In the 11 months since its initial release, Yarn has generated a large following... 続きを読む
A novel approach to neural machine translation | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Language translation is important to Facebook's mission of making the world more open and connected, enabling everyone to consume posts or videos in their preferred language — all at the highest possi... 続きを読む
Yarn: A new package manager for JavaScript | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
In the JavaScript community, engineers share hundreds of thousands of pieces of code so we can avoid rewriting basic components, libraries, or frameworks of our own. Each piece of code may in turn dep... 続きを読む
React Native for Android: How we built the first cross-platform React Native app | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
React Native for Android: How we built the first cross-platform React Native app Earlier this year, we introduced React Native for iOS. React Native brings what developers are used to from React on th... 続きを読む
Recommending items to more than a billion people | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
The growth of data on the web has made it harder to employ many machine learning algorithms on the full data sets. For personalization problems in particular, where data sampling is often not an optio... 続きを読む
Updating Our Open Source Patent Grant | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
At Facebook, we strive to open source innovative, world-class software. These are the same technologies that we ourselves use in production, and we strive to ensure that developers feel comfortable ab... 続きを読む
Introducing ComponentKit: Functional and declarative UI on iOS | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Introducing ComponentKit: Functional and declarative UI on iOS Building user interfaces for iOS requires lots of imperative code. As a developer, you create views, configure them, and add them to the ... 続きを読む
Stetho: A new debugging platform for Android | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Part of moving fast at Facebook means investing in good tooling. At our scale, we aim to have tools that let engineers not only quickly discover problems and fix them, but also help model behavior to ... 続きを読む
Flow, a new static type checker for JavaScript | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Today we’re excited to release an early version of Flow, a new open-source static type checker for JavaScript. Flow adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.... 続きを読む
Announcing the Hack Transpiler | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Today, we're proud to announce a first, experimental release of h2tp, or the “HH (Hack) Transpiler,” a tool which allows projects that have converted from PHP to Hack to still make releases that targe... 続きを読む
Introducing Proxygen, Facebook's C++ HTTP framework | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Introducing Proxygen, Facebook's C++ HTTP framework We are excited to announce the release of Proxygen, a collection of C++ HTTP libraries, including an easy-to-use HTTP server. In addition to HTTP/1.... 続きを読む
Introducing osquery | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Maintaining real-time insight into the current state of your infrastructure is important. At Facebook, we've been working on a framework called osquery which attempts to approach the concept of low-le... 続きを読む
Introducing mcrouter: A memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Introducing mcrouter: A memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments Most web-based services begin as a collection of front-end application servers paired with databases used to manage ... 続きを読む
Hack: a new programming language for HHVM | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
In a hurry? Try Hack now: http://www.hacklang.org/Today we're releasing Hack, a programming language we developed for HHVM that interoperates seamlessly with PHP. Hack reconciles the fast development ... 続きを読む
Under the Hood: Building and open-sourcing flint | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Lint programs are an odd class of program verifiers, and for a while I wasn’t convinced they were something I should focus on building out for Facebook. I don't like the style police on my back, and f... 続きを読む