タグ Early Hints
人気順 5 users 10 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersHTTP/2で 速くなるとき ならないとき
HTTP/2で 速くなるとき ならないとき 1. HTTP/2 HTTP/2 Kazuho Oku Fastly 2. HTTP/2 • CDN Fastly • HTTP/2, TLS/1.3, QUIC – OSS HTTP H2O • IETF – : • Early Hints (RFC 8297) • Cache Digest for HTTP/2 ( ) 3. HTTP/2 • HTT... 続きを読む
Rails 5.2.0 FINAL: Active Storage, Redis Cache Store, HTTP/2 Early Hints, CSP, Credentials | Riding Rails
Nearly 14 years since the first public version of Rails , it’s our pleasure to release yet another major upgrade to the framework in the form of 5.2.0 final. We’ve been diligently polishing Active Sto... 続きを読む
Rails 5.2: Active Storage, Redis Cache Store, HTTP/2 Early Hints, CSP, Credentials | Riding Rails
It’s been too hard to deal with file uploads in Rails for too long. Sure, there’s been a lot of fine plugins available, but it was overdue that we incorporated something right into the framework. So n... 続きを読む
HTTP の新しいステータスコード 103 Early Hints | blog.jxck.io
created_at: 2016-12-16 updated_at: 2016-12-16 tags: [ early hints , prelaod , push , http2 , http ] Intro これは、 http2 Advent Calendar 2016 の 16 日目の記事である。 HTTP に新しいステータスコード 103 Early Hints が追加されようとしている。... 続きを読む