タグ the past
人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 users【満点が解説】Versant新形式対応!効果的な対策法とは? - The Past(ザ・パスト) - 最初で最後の英語コーチング
―「TOEIC 高得点でも喋れない」 外資・コンサル・金融等、ビジネスシーンで英語を使う職種では、従業員の英語力を測る指標が「聞く」「読む」のTOEICから、実践のコミュニケーションで必要な「聞く」「話す」能力を測るVERSANTへシフトしてきています。 この記事では、Versant満点の筆者が2024年3月から新しくなった新形... 続きを読む
Japan was the future but it's stuck in the past
As soon as you move in, your new home is worth less than what you paid for it and after you've finished paying off your mortgage in 40 years, it is worth almost nothing. It bewildered me when I first moved here as a correspondent for the BBC - 10 years on, as I prepared to leave, it was still the... 続きを読む
Japan was the future but it's stuck in the past
As soon as you move in, your new home is worth less than what you paid for it and after you've finished paying off your mortgage in 40 years, it is worth almost nothing. It bewildered me when I first moved here as a correspondent for the BBC - 10 years on, as I prepared to leave, it was still the... 続きを読む
Rebuild: 348: Stop Digging Up The Past (higepon)
Taro Minowa さんをゲストに迎えて、Twitter, Mastodon, Rewind, Whisper などについて話しました。 Show Notes Elon Musk says he fired engineer who corrected him on Twitter Hundreds of Twitter employees resign after Elon Musk’s ‘hardcore’ ultimatum "Tweeps! What’s the craziest infra incident you worked... 続きを読む
HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future
During last year’s Birthday Week we announced preliminary support for QUIC and HTTP/3 (or “HTTP over QUIC” as it was known back then), the new standard for the web, enabling faster, more reliable, and more secure connections to web endpoints like websites and APIs. We also let our customers join ... 続きを読む
RailsConf 2019: The Past, Present, and Future of Rails at GitHub - Speaker Deck
On August 15, 2018 GitHub was deployed to production running Rails 5.2. This was a historic event; for years GitHub had been behind Rails and dependent on a custom fork of Rails 2.3. This talk will visit GitHub's past, including our tumultuous relationship with the Rails framework, and the grueli... 続きを読む
Why credit card signature requirements are now a thing of the past - CBS News
Why credit card signature requirements are now a thing of the past Credit card signatures are now going the way of old-fashioned carbon copy slips: discarded in favor of streamlined transactions. The... 続きを読む
Ben Noordhuis's Departure
As of this past weekend, Ben Noordhuis has decided to step away from Node.js and libuv, and is no longer acting as a core committer. Ben has done a tremendous amount of great work in the past. We're s... 続きを読む