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How Japan is fighting back at Jihadi John with MEMES: Images of ISIS executioner cutting kebab meat and posing with a selfie stick go viral as nation shows it won't be silenced over new hostage threat | Daily Mail Online
How Japan is fighting back at Jihadi John with MEMES: Images of ISIS executioner cutting kebab meat and posing with a selfie stick go viral as nation shows it won't be silenced over new hostage threat... 続きを読む
アマゾンの出版事業、書店や出版社の反発で苦戦 - WSJ日本版 - jp.WSJ.com
Zuma Press A Barnes & Noble store in Florida. The bookseller said it won't stock titles published by Amazon. この秋のアマゾンの最大の目玉は女優・監督のペニー・マーシャル氏の「My Mother Was Nuts(私の母は変だった)」だ。だが、ニールセン・ブックスキャンの調査では、この単行本... 続きを読む
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