タグ in TypeScript
人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 users入れ子構造を自由に拡張する – TypeScript版「Trees that Grow」 | IIJ Engineers Blog
日本Haskellユーザーグループ(愛称 Haskell-jp)発起人の一人にして、Haskell-jpで一番のおしゃべり。 HaskellとWebAssemblyとプリキュアとポムポムプリンをこよなく愛する。 This is a Japanese translation of Flexiblly Extend Nested Structures – “Trees that Grow” in TypeScript. 抽象構文木(AST, Abstract Syn... 続きを読む
TypeScript CRUD Rest API, using: Nest.js, TypeORM, Postgres, Docker and Docker Compose
TypeScript CRUD Rest API, using: Nest.js, TypeORM, Postgres, Docker and Docker Compose Let's create a CRUD Rest API in Typescript, using: NestJS (NodeJS framework) TypeORM (ORM: Object Relational Mapper) Postgres (relational database) Docker (for containerization) Docker Compose If you prefer a v... 続きを読む
GitHub - ronami/HypeScript: 🐬 A simplified implementation of TypeScript's type system written in TypeScript's own type system
🐬 HypeScript Introduction This is a simplified implementation of TypeScript's type system that's written in TypeScript's type annotations. This means that it uses types only — with no runtime code whatsoever. You pass TypeScript code as a string to the TypeCheck generic and get possible type err... 続きを読む
GitHub - NicholasLYang/wasup: A zero-dependency, isomorphic library for emitting WebAssembly
wasup is a library for decoding and encoding the WebAssembly binary format. It's zero dependency and entirely written in TypeScript. Getting Started Install with npm or yarn: wasup exposes a few functions: decodeModule takes in a buffer containing WebAssembly binary code and decodes it into a Jav... 続きを読む
GitHub - skovy/cooky-cutter: ? Object factories for testing in TypeScript
Dismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Sign up 続きを読む
複数のモジュール形式(CommonJS, ES Modules, UMD)をサポートしたnpmパッケージの作り方 in TypeScript - dackdive's blog
はじめに npmパッケージを開発するとき、パッケージ利用者の実行環境に合わせて適切なモジュール形式のファイルをパッケージに含め、提供する必要があります。 具体的には、たとえば以下のようなバリエーションが考えられます。 Node.js環境であれば CommonJS 形式 (module.exports / require() ) ブラウザ環境で、webpa... 続きを読む