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curl 8.4.0 | daniel.haxx.se

2023/10/11 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 15 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip

We cut the release cycle short and decided to ship this release now rather than later because of the heap overflow issue we found. Release presentation As always, there will be a live-streamed release presentation done at 08:00 UTC (10:00 CEST). Numbers the 252nd release 3 changes 28 days (total:... 続きを読む

How I made a heap overflow in curl | daniel.haxx.se

2023/10/11 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 23 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip

In association with the release of curl 8.4.0, we publish a security advisory and all the details for CVE-2023-38545. This problem is the worst security problem found in curl in a long time. We set it to severity HIGH. While the advisory contains all the necessary details. I figured I would use a... 続きを読む

curl 8.0.0 is here | daniel.haxx.se

2023/03/20 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 8 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip

Exactly one month since the previous release, we are happy to give you curl 8.0.0 released on curl’s official 25th birthday. This a major version number bump but without any ground-breaking changes or fireworks. We decided it was about time to reset the minor number down to more a manageable leve... 続きを読む

89 operating systems | daniel.haxx.se

2022/11/26 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 10 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip Operating Systems

I occasionally do talks about curl. In these talks I often include a few slides that say something abut curl’s coverage and presence on different platforms. Mostly to boast of course, but also to help explain to the audience how curl has manged to reach its ten billion installations. This is curr... 続きを読む

curl is 23 years old today | daniel.haxx.se

2021/03/20 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 10 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip

curl’s official birthday was March 20, 1998. That was the day the first ever tarball was made available that could build a tool named curl. I put it together and I called it curl 4.0 since I kept the version numbering from the previous names I had used for the tool. Or rather, I bumped it up from... 続きを読む

Google to reimplement curl in libcrurl | daniel.haxx.se

2019/06/19 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 24 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip

Not the entire thing, just “a subset”. It’s not stated very clearly exactly what that subset is but the easy interface is mentioned in the Chrome bug about this project. What? The Chromium bug states that they will create a library of their own (named libcrurl) that will offer (parts of) the libc... 続きを読む

I’m leaving Mozilla | daniel.haxx.se

2018/11/19 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 12 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip

It's been five great years, but now it is time for me to move on and try something else. During these five years I've met and interacted with a large number of awesome people at Mozilla, lots of new friends! I got the chance to work from home and yet work with a global team on a widely used produ... 続きを読む

UDPベースの「HTTP-over-QUIC」が新HTTPバージョン「HTTP/3」に名称変更される - GIGAZINE

2018/11/13 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 30 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip GIGAZINE HTTP-over-QUIC http

インターネットのネットワークプロトコルを標準化する業界団体のInternet Engineering Task Force(IETF)が、これまで「HTTP-over-QUIC(hq)」と呼ばれていたプロトコルを「HTTP/3」という名称に変更すると発表しました。 HTTP/3 | daniel.haxx.se https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2018/11/11/http-3/ HTTP/1.1やHTTP/2などの... 続きを読む

【翻訳】HTTP/3(daniel.haxx.seのブログ記事) - 藤 遥のブログ

2018/11/12 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 35 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip http プロトコル 翻訳 手前味噌 最初

daniel.haxx.se のブログ記事 HTTP/3 の翻訳です。この記事は翻訳支援エディタ phra-phra.com を使って翻訳しました(手前味噌)。翻訳の許可は元記事のコメントで了承いただきました。 長い間 HTTP-over-QUIC と呼ばれていたプロトコルは名前が変更され、正式に HTTP/3 になります。Mark Nottingham の提案が最初のきっ... 続きを読む

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