タグ The Travis CI
人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersThe Travis CI Blog: Travis CI joins the Idera family
When we started working on a Continuous Integration solution back in 2011, it was hard to imagine what Travis CI would become. Years later, we’re still continuously working to make our community and the tech industry better and stronger. Today we are excited to announce that Travis CI has been ac... 続きを読む
The Travis CI Blog: Announcing support for open source projects on travis-ci.com
Latest News Support Travis CI Announcing support for open source projects on travis-ci.com May 2, 2018 | Josh Kalderimis | news We are excited to announce that starting May 2nd, 2018, you will be able... 続きを読む
Travis CIでGitHub Personal access tokensが漏れないようにする | Web Scratch
2017-05-09 漏れていた人はメールで通知が来ていると思いますが、Travis CIのログ上にGitHubのTokenが漏れていたケースがあるという話がありました。 (漏れていたTokenはGitHub側で既にrevokeされていると思います。またメールに漏れている一覧が載ってるはず) The Travis CI Blog: Security Advisory: Secured Enviro... 続きを読む
The Travis CI Blog: Security Advisory: Secured Environment Variables
Konstantin Haase, CTO, on behalf of the Travis CI Team, 8 May 2017 Description of Incident Various GitHub OAuth tokens and secure environment variables that users included in their builds were acciden... 続きを読む
The Travis CI Blog: Faster Builds with Container-Based Infrastructure and Docker
Stability and reliability in your builds is the one thing we aimed to give since Travis CI came about. But we haven't always been able to live up to this expectation. Network issues, insufficient buil... 続きを読む