タグ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersTatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — Podcasting Setup 2016
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. This is an annual post of describing my podcasting setup for Rebuild . See the posts in 2015 and 2016 to see the progress. What’s New tl;dr if you ... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — Rebuild: Chrome Notifications
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Rebuild はいくつかの通知プラットフォーム ( Pushbullet , Yo ) を利用していますが、新たに Chrome Web Push Notifications に対応しました。HTTPS で rebuild.fm にアクセスすると、通知を受け取るダイアログが出ると思います。 ... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — Joining Fastly
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. I’m very excited to tell you that today is my first day at Fastly as a software engineer. As a long time Fastly user myself, I’m thrilled to be par... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — YAPC::Asia 2015
YAPC::Asia started in 2006 with 300+ attendees. YAPC::Asia 2015 had 2013 attendees. The first YAPC::Asia had invited speakers of Larry Wall, Yukihiro Matz, Damian Conway and Audrey Tang. This year the... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — Mobile Podcast Recording Setup
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Many of the recent episodes on Rebuild have been recorded on-the-go, meaning I’m face to face with the guest in a remote location, rather than doin... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — Which should I use: Starman or Starlet?
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. A discussion came up on #plack IRC channel earlier, and we realize that there’s no good (official) documentation available to address the differenc... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — cpanm towards 2.0
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. First, little bit of background: I was working on cpan-common-index branch for cpanm and the branch adds CPAN::Common::Index and its all subdeps, w... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — Perl QA Hackathon 2015 Day 4
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. plenv rehash slowness I’ve been constantly annoyed by the slowness of plenv rehash. The rehash command is automatically called after every run of c... 続きを読む
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog — "I wrote some code. I think you should maintain it."
Programming, Tech, Gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Keep in mind that when you send a pull request you’re saying, “I wrote some code. I think you should maintain it.”— Nicholas C. Zakas (@slicknet) M... 続きを読む
食べログのレビュー点数を正規化する Chrome Extension - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Tabelog is well known for its score system very crowded between 3.1 and 3.5. Most restaurants over 4 stars (or even 3.5) are excepti... 続きを読む
How I Learn Chinese - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. I started learning Chinese a couple of months ago now. The motivation was obviously seeing Mark Zuckerberg giving his talk in Chines... 続きを読む
パッチをランドする (Rebuild: 70: Bureaucratic Refactoring) - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Hajime Morrita さんをゲストに迎えて、WebKit, Chrome, WebView, リファクタリング, Rx などについて話しました。 どのエピソードも気に入っていますが、とくに個人的に好きな回になりそうなエピソードでした。 森田さんが自然に使っ... 続きを読む
Rebuild.fm Push Notifications - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Rebuild の push notification については 以前も書きました が、いろいろ変わったので再度お知らせ。 (website から見れるようにしたほうがいいですね) ライブストリームの開始時間と、新しいエピソードの通知はいくつかのチャンネルで受け... 続きを読む
やりたいことは本当はすごく沢山あって だけど大体の物は既にあるわけじゃないですか。 ... - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
“やりたいことは本当はすごく沢山あって だけど大体の物は既にあるわけじゃないですか。 既にある物に勝つためには 優れたアイデアか あと20年続けるモチベーション のどちらかが必要だと思います。” - まつもとゆきひろさん ( Rebuild.fm EP53 http://rebuild.fm/53/ ) 続きを読む
ghq + peco/percol - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. This has been rocking my Twitter developer community for the past few days, but mostly only in Japanese - here’s an attempt #1 to fi... 続きを読む
Covert Redirect Vulnerability with OAuth 2 - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. tl;dr Covert Redirect Vulnerability is a real, if not new, threat when combined with Implicit Grant Flow (not Code flow) This Covert... 続きを読む
Rebuild: 25: Immutable Infrastructure (Naoya Ito, Gosuke Miyashita) - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. 伊藤直也さん、宮下剛輔さんをゲストに迎えて、Immutable Infrastructure, Docker, Packer, Serf などについて話しました。 ep14 に引き続き、DevOpsネタですが、Docker あたりから盛り上がってきた Immuta... 続きを読む
Podcast の聞き方 2013年秋バージョン - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. 以前、Podcast登録のしかた という記事を書きましたが、それからアプリのバージョンやフィードのURLなどいろいろ変わったので、あらためて。 Rebuild.fm Podcast は、もちろんブラウザの埋め込みプレイヤーで聴いたり、ファイルをダウンロードしても聴... 続きを読む
Kindle Paperwhite 2013 - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Kindle Paperwhite 2013 just delivered to me and I’ve been using it about 15 minutes, here’s a quick review and some pics. (Paperwhit... 続きを読む
YAPC::Asia 2013 - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Last week there was another YAPC::Asia at Keio University Hiyoshi Campus. Here’s a quick review as both recurring speaker and previo... 続きを読む
オススメ Tech Podcast 5選 - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Rebuild Podcast も好評でありがたい限りですが、僕の最近聴いている Podcast をいくつか紹介。 Accidental Podcast - 元 Tumblr, Instapaper の Marco Arment, Ars Technica の O... 続きを読む
Carton 1.0 is released - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Carton v1.0.0 is released on CPAN. Since the first announcement at YAPC::NA 2011, I’m sure it has taken more time than necessary, bu... 続きを読む
Podcast streaming howto - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. WWDC podcast としては日本最速(たぶん)のepisode 13 で3度めになった ライブ配信 について簡単に解説。 先日 RubyKaigi なんかでいろんな人から「Podcast 聴いてます!」といってもらえたのはうれしかったんですが、ある人から「ど... 続きを読む
Podcast recording and editing - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Here’s what it looks like when it comes to editing my (semi-badly recorded) Podcast episodes. When I first heard 5by5/Mule’s podcast... 続きを読む
Milla, a Dist::Zilla profile that doesn't suck (screencast) - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog
A weblog about Programming, Tech, gadgets, Japan and San Francisco. Milla, a Dist::Zilla profile that doesn’t suck (screencast) Ok, that was a little link bait title. I’ve been a big fan of Module::In... 続きを読む