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By marsmet544 あまり働くことなく仕事を終わらせたいと考えることは怠惰な考えのように思われますが、実はそれは知的な活動であると土木技師でデザイナーでもあるKareen Liezさんは言います。彼女は、短時間で多くの仕事を成し遂げる10の秘訣をデザインに関するニュースを扱う「Naldz Graphics」上で紹介しています。 10 Steps to Accomplish More By ... 続きを読む
30 Remarkably Impressive Pixel-Inspired Logo Designs | Naldz Graphics
In continuation with our logo design inspiration post, we bring to you another design progressively being used by many companies and organizations nowadays. These are pixel-inspired logo designs. Shor... 続きを読む
Free High Quality Collection of 33 Bark Textures | Naldz Graphics
Tree barks may vary greatly throughout the life of a tree, often becoming rougher as a tree grows. It does an excellent job of protecting the tree. Many kinds of trees can be immediately recognized by... 続きを読む
Compilation of Free Bubble Brushes for Photoshop | Naldz Graphics
There are thousands of Photoshop brushes on the Web that you can download for free today. These Photoshop brushes are helpful in creating an effect or definition to an image. In today’s post, we will ... 続きを読む
A Collection of Free Butterfly Photoshop Brushes | Naldz Graphics 女性向けサイトなんかで使えそうな蝶のブラシいろいろ イラスト調から実写調まで色々なタイプの蝶のブラシがまとまっています。 高級感を出したりする際にも使えそう。 こういうものをフリーというのはなんともありがたい限り。 関連エントリ ハイクオリティなPhotoshopブラ... 続きを読む
A Collection of Free Butterfly Photoshop Brushes | Naldz Graphics
In addition to our list of Photoshop brushes, we bring to you another roundup of downloadable stuffs for free. These butterfly Photoshop brushes can be used in both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements an... 続きを読む
34 New Photoshop Tutorials for Enticing Outputs | Naldz Graphics
Almost 3 months ago, we have featured a collection of Photoshop Tutorials so you could get a kick off to start your year. There has already been new cool ones to add up to your learning. Another good ... 続きを読む
34 New Photoshop Tutorials for Enticing Outputs | Naldz Graphics 綺麗なグラフィックを作る新しめのPhotoshopチュートリアル34。 次のようなグラフィックス作成のチュートリアルです。当ブログで過去に紹介したものは殆どないものが沢山ありましたのでご紹介。 話は変わりますが、Photoshopが月額ライセンスになりましたね。あまり使... 続きを読む
30 Interesting and Creatively-Designed Contact Forms | Naldz Graphics
We’ve already showcased some of the most creative footer and header designs of a website in the past. In today’s post, we are presenting another design inspiration you’ll surely love. These are attrac... 続きを読む
A Compilation of Free Cloud Photoshop Brushes | Naldz Graphics
Today, we are showcasing a new set of free Photoshop brushes perfect for all your nature related design needs. These are cloud style Photoshop brushes useful in creating a natural-looking cloudy sky i... 続きを読む
40 Extraordinary Symmetrical Logo Designs | Naldz Graphics
We’ve already posted several designs of logos in the past. In today’s post, we will showcase some unique and creative examples of logos which were created by flipping one side over the other to form a... 続きを読む
40 Useful Free Folder Icon Sets | Naldz Graphics
Our computer is considered to be our personal library where our important documents are saved and organized. Hence, we tend to make our desktop personalized so as to make it more private and enticing.... 続きを読む
30 Lovely Pink-Colored Logo Designs | Naldz Graphics
Logos are important for all businesses because they play a crucial role in building a strong brand for any company. So for that reason, your logo should be unique, understandable and eye-catching. One... 続きを読む
50 Blue Website Designs to Inspire and Impress You | Naldz Graphics
The color blue has long been a popular color for designers, with its various emotional implications and visual friendship with a vast array of other colors. Take some inspiration from this aesthetical... 続きを読む
33 New Illustration-Themed Website Designs | Naldz Graphics
Illustration is defined as a displayed visualization form presented as a drawing, painting, photograph or other work of art that is created to elucidate or dictate sensual information. It is one of th... 続きを読む
50 Brown Patterns for an Added Impact to your Designs | Naldz Graphics WEBサイトに使うと忘れられなさそうなパンチの聞いた背景パターン集。 今にも動き出すのではどういうのはインパクトの大きい背景パターン集がまとめとして公開されています。 WEBサービスなんかに使ってみてもよいかもしれませんね。 気合の入ったアイデアをインパクト... 続きを読む
New Collection of Must-Have Paper Textures | Naldz Graphics
It has been almost a year ago since we have featured paper textures for you to go through. Now we have a new set of collection you may choose from so to differently design your sites. Paper concepts a... 続きを読む
45 Neat Coming Soon and Under Construction Templates | Naldz Graphics サイト公開前の告知ページのサイトテンプレート45。 サイト公開日を事前に設定しておき、期待を膨らませてもらうようなマーケティングがあるそうですが、そういったサイトを作るのに便利な45のテンプレートが紹介されています。 オープンをいきなり伝えるのもいいですが、こ... 続きを読む
45+ Neat Coming Soon and Under Construction Templates | Naldz Graphics
You’re surfing through the net, opening all your most visited sites… With your fast and reliable internet connection, you are quite confident that you can open all websites that you please and immedia... 続きを読む
30 Animal Inspired Photoshop Brush Sets | Naldz Graphics 動物に関するPhotoshopブラシが色々とまとまっているエントリのご紹介です。 オライリーの表紙とかも動物が多いですが、動物のグラフィックがあるとなんとなく和むという方も多いのではないでしょうか。Twitterの鳥とかも何気にサイトのシンボルになっちゃってたりしますしね。 アニメっぽ... 続きを読む