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The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono

2024/10/17 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 15 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip built with It was

The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono2024-10-17 Hono is a fast, lightweight web framework that runs anywhere JavaScript does, built with Web Standards. Of course, it runs on Cloudflare Workers. It was three years ago, in December 2021. At that time, I wanted to create applicat... 続きを読む

iptablesの後に来るものは何か?: nftables - 赤帽エンジニアブログ

2019/07/30 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 216 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip iptables nftables 既存 許可

この記事はRed Hat DeveloperのWhat comes after ‘iptables’? Its successor, of course: nftablesを、許可をうけて翻訳したものです。 ::: By Florian Westphal October 28, 2016September 17, 2018 ::: nftablesは、既存のiptables、ip6tables、arptables、ebtablesを置き換えることを目指した、新たなパケット分類フ... 続きを読む

When should you be using Web Workers? — DasSur.ma

2019/06/14 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 23 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip Web Workers Impossible That

You should always use Web Workers. And in our current landscape of frameworks it’s virtually impossible. Did I get your attention with that? Good. Of course, as with any topic, there is nuance and I will lay that all out. But I have opinions, and they are important. Buckle up. The Performance Gap... 続きを読む

GitHub - hackerb9/lsix: Like "ls", but for images. Shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics.

2018/12/27 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 19 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip GitHub like Files directory PNG

Like "ls", but for images. Shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics. Usage lsix [ FILES ... ] Examples Basic Usage Just typing lsix will show images in the current working directory. You can also specify filenames and, of course, use shell wild cards (e.g., lsix *jpg *png). Because lsix ... 続きを読む

わずか四文字でIE6/7/8を区別するCSSハック | コリス

2010/03/29 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 661 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip コリス GRE CSSハック RED color

「\」「9」「*」「_」の四文字だけで、IE6, IE7, IE8を区別するCSSハックをNettur+から紹介します。 Quick Tip: How to Target IE6, IE7, and IE8 Uniquely with 4 Characters IE8とそれ以下 body { color: red; /* all browsers, of course */ color : gre... 続きを読む

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