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E-Commerce Infographics Showcase | Smiley Cat Web Design

2011/08/09 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 8 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip

Despite the popularity of infographics, there are relatively few about e-commerce. Here is a showcase of 15 well designed e-commerce infographics that also present useful data for anyone working in th... 続きを読む


2007/05/14 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 146 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip phpspot開発日誌 CSSテクニック サイズ div 画像

Create Resizable Images With CSS | Smiley Cat Web Design I'm a big fan of layouts that still work if a user increases their browser's text size. テキストサイズ変更に応じて画像のサイズを変えるCSSテクニック 方法1 次のDIVがあったとして、 <div ... 続きを読む

CSS Rounded Corners 'Roundup' | Smiley Cat Web Design

2006/01/24 このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 201 users Instapaper Pocket Tweet Facebook Share Evernote Clip Roundup

Note: This post is continually updated as I come across new techniques. This collection of techniques to create boxes with rounded corners using CSS has become quite popular. The problem now is there ... 続きを読む

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