タグ Japan earthquake
人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersJapan Earthquake: One Year Later - In Focus - The Atlantic
This Sunday, March 11, will mark the one-year anniversary of the horrific earthquake that struck northeastern Japan, spawning an incredibly destructive tsunami that crippled the Fukushima Daiichi nucl... 続きを読む
Japan Earthquake: The Struggle to Recover - Alan Taylor - In Focus - The Atlantic
Nearly a week has passed since Japan suffered its worst crisis since World War II. More than 4,000 have been confirmed killed and more than 8,000 remain missing after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake stru... 続きを読む
Japan earthquake: Japan warned over nuclear plants, WikiLeaks cables show - Telegraph
Japan earthquake: Japan warned over nuclear plants, WikiLeaks cables showJapan was warned more than two years ago by the international nuclear watchdogthat its nuclear power plants were not capable of... 続きを読む
Japan earthquake: Yukio Edano, the 'Jack Bauer' of the crisis - Telegraph
Japan earthquake: Yukio Edano, the 'Jack Bauer' of the crisisYukio Edano, Japan's chief government spokesman, has become an unlikely heroof the earthquake-tsunami crisis, became compared to 24's Jack ... 続きを読む
Japan Earthquake
Emergency Support for JAPAN EARTHQUAKE and TSUNAMI東北地方太平洋沖地震に関する多数の問い合わせをいただいておりますが、被災者が避難されている避難所でこれまで作ってきた簡易間仕切りを改良して作る活動を開始し、現在準備を進めております。 順次、詳細を掲載していく予定で、同時に皆様からの義援金のご協力をお願い致します。 募金口座 銀行名: ... 続きを読む
GoogleMapが震災前後の衛星写真の比較を公開 ヤバすぎて絶句するレベル : 2のまとめR
2011年03月13日➥GoogleMapが震災前後の衛星写真の比較を公開 ヤバすぎて絶句するレベル1:名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) []:2011/03/13(日) 19:34:57.38 ID:EqCfiKET0● ?2BP(0) ABC News - Japan Earthquake: before and after (ABCニュース-日本地震:前と後) ttp://www.abc.n... 続きを読む
ABC News - Japan Earthquake: before and after
Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:00pm AEDTAerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation across dozens of suburbs and tens of thousands of homes and businesses.Hover over each satellite photo... 続きを読む
Japan earthquake how to protect yourself | guide to take care and protect yourself – earthquake
We provide a basic guide in several language towhat to do when you have to evacuate because of the earthquake.Hope to be useful for foreign people living in Japan and are suffering from 3.11 earthquak... 続きを読む
BBCが福島第一原発1号機爆発の瞬間のムービーを公開 - GIGAZINE
イギリスの公共放送局「BBC(英国放送協会)」は爆発時のムービーをネット上に掲載しました。 再生は以下から。 2011/03/12 19:13 福島第一原発1号機の爆発する瞬間のムービーがBBCで公開されています。 BBC News - Japan earthquake: Explosion at Fukushima nuclear plant 2011/03/12 19:18 避難指示 半径20... 続きを読む
BBC News - Japan earthquake
Quake videosMap showing areas hit by Japan's massive earthquake, with video reports Background guidesWave forecast mapEstimated times and size of tsunami waves across PacificAnimated guideGuide to how... 続きを読む