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人気順 10 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersHow it works: The novel HTTP/2 ‘Rapid Reset’ DDoS attack | Google Cloud Blog
Hear monthly from our Cloud CISO in your inboxGet the latest on security from Cloud CISO Phil Venables. Subscribe A number of Google services and Cloud customers have been targeted with a novel HTTP/2-based DDoS attack which peaked in August. These attacks were significantly larger than any previ... 続きを読む
ヨガは認知能力や肉体的な健康によい影響をもたらすことが知られているほか、消化を助けて過敏性腸症候群(IBS)の症状を改善するという研究結果も報告されています。ヨガが消化を助ける理由について、科学系メディアのLive Scienceが解説しています。 Yoga for digestion: How it works | Live Science https://www.lives... 続きを読む
rsync, article 3: How does rsync work?
This post is the third article in a series of blog posts about rsync, see the Series Overview. With rsync up and running, it’s time to take a peek under the hood of rsync to better understand how it works. How does rsync work? When talking about the rsync protocol, we need to distinguish between:... 続きを読む
Flightradar24 — how it works? / Habr
Flightradar24 — how it works? DIY or Do It Youself, Systems engineering, Computer hardware, Network technologies I’m going to hazard a guess and say that everyone whose friends or family have ever flown on a plane, have used Flightradar24 — a free and convenient service for tracking flights in re... 続きを読む
Ruby Weekly Report: Write a patch!
Friday, June 17, 2011 Write a patch! This is my first report; 最初のレポートをお届けします. [ruby-dev:43834] new deadlock detection ko1 proposed a new deadlock detection method with patch. How it works "Thread wake... 続きを読む