タグ GitHub Next
人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 users【GitHub Copilotは序章に過ぎない!?】GitHub Next、次世代の開発エクスペリエンスを実現する圧倒的なプロジェクト群 | DevelopersIO
こんにちは、CX事業本部 Delivery部の若槻です。 今回は、GitHubによる「次世代の開発エクスペリエンスを実現するためのプロジェクト群」であるGitHub Nextについて紹介します。 GitHub Nextとは 現在、ソフトウェア開発者の間では、OpenAIの開発するGPTベースのプログラミング支援ツールであるGitHub Copilotに注目が集... 続きを読む
GitHub Next | AI for Pull Requests
Pull Requests have become a central part of many team's workflows. We love how they let us group changes into a single transactional chunk so they can be communicated, discussed and improved. But they also create overhead. It takes time to put them together, review them and sometimes it's hard to... 続きを読む
GitHub Next | GitHub Copilot Labs
GitHub Copilot is a groundbreaking AI pair programer for developers, but we’re just beginning to explore the future of coding. Over the course of the technical preview, the Copilot team has improved the quality of suggestions and added safety features — but it’s not difficult to see the potential... 続きを読む
GitHub Next | Visualizing a codebase
That wasn’t terribly difficult, but it also probably took a bit of time and exploration. Can we do better? Instead of the typical folders & files view, we can create a visual representation of the code. Below, I've visualized the same repository, but instead of a directory structure, each file an... 続きを読む