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人気順 5 users 50 users 100 users 500 users 1000 usersDBIx::Schema::DSL ~ PerlによるDSLモジュール開発とその活用と実践 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet use DBIx::Schema::DSL; cr... 続きを読む
Backbone, Chaplin, Marionette そして React - Quipper における Single Page Application 開発の変遷 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Backbone, Chaplin, Marionette そして React - Quipper における Single Page Application 開発の変遷 Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the... 続きを読む
MogileFSをバックエンドとしたPrivate S3の作り方 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet 2011年よりYAPCのPhoto Sponsor... 続きを読む
MySQLを使って開発をはじめるときに気をつけておきたいこと - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet Perlで開発をはじめるときに「use stric... 続きを読む
はてなブックマークのトピックページの裏側 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet はてなブックマークの「トピックページ」の作り方につ... 続きを読む
Perlがメインじゃない現場でもPerlを使う(AdTech現場編) - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet TL;DR 慣れてる技術(Perl)を使いつつ、今... 続きを読む
実はホットでオープンな Microsoft Azure のインフラ - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet トーク概要 Microsoft Azure は M... 続きを読む
スタートアップの創業期を支える技術 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet スタートアップの創業時におけるエンジニアの役割とは... 続きを読む
PHP帝国の逆襲!(を願うPHPerが話す最近のPHPについてのクイックツアー PHP7対応版) - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet 「PHP帝国は滅んでいない。新たなる希望を待ち、逆... 続きを読む
老化について - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet 老化とはなにか? なぜ老化するのか? 老化する[物... 続きを読む
Mackerel開発におけるScalaとGo、そしてPerl - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet Mackerel開発におけるScalaとGo、そし... 続きを読む
技術顧問というお仕事 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet ここ2年ほど「技術顧問」という謎の肩書きのお仕事を... 続きを読む
Web由来の組み込みエンジニアの半年間のすべて 〜WebとiOSとBLEとハードウェアデバイスのこと〜 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
All of embed engineer from Web - Web, iOS, BLE and Hardware device - Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media bu... 続きを読む
3分でサービスのOSを入れ替える技術 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Tweet ユーザーに Web サービスを提供し続けるためには... 続きを読む
開発合宿!!!! - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! 株式会社はてなでは開発合宿を積極的に行っています。 皆様御存知... 続きを読む
Git を使ったツール開発 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Git は最近の開発においてはとてもポピュラーなツールです。業... 続きを読む
初心者が Web エンジニアのコミュニティに触れてみて感じたこと - ゆとりエンジニアの成長戦略 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! tl;dr 初心者が Web エンジニアのコミュニティに触れて... 続きを読む
O2O/IoT/Wearable時代におけるWeb以外のネットワーク技術入門 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! O2O/IoT/Wearableといった用語がよく見かけられる... 続きを読む
Perl Mongers のための Scala 入門中の入門 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! 最近にわかにユーザーが増え、盛り上がりを見せている Scala... 続きを読む
インフラエンジニア(狭義)は死んだ - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! ※ 本トークにおける「インフラエンジニア」は、運用エンジニアで... 続きを読む
YAPC::Asia2014会場ネットワークのツクリカタ - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! YAPC::Asia2014をはじめとした、さまざまなIT系カ... 続きを読む
完成されたシステムなどない。完成された人間もいない。あるのは成長し続ける未完成なシステムと、それを支える未完成な人間だけだ - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014
完成されたシステムなどない。完成された人間もいない。あるのは成長し続ける未完成なシステムと、それを支える未完成な人間だけだ Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons b... 続きを読む
Ruby の作り方
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! Ruby は Perl の兄弟/姉妹と呼ばれてから 8年が経過... 続きを読む
地域PM紹介型ボードゲーム「PM(ぷむ)からの野望」の考案と実践 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons below to express your interest! 【これまでのあらすじ】 一昨年のYAPC::AsiaでPerl... 続きを読む
Mojoliciousでつくる!Webアプリ入門 - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013
Currently this talk is in PENDING state. If you would like to see this talk at the event, please consider using the social media buttons above to express your interest! 意外と Mojoliciousについての本格的なYAPC::A... 続きを読む